Wednesday, August 27, 2008

  1. Listening and learning.
  2. Being so excited to do this assignment.
  3. Getting everyone's lists every night - it is so cool to end the day with not just with my gratitude, but with everyone else's also.
  4. My mother and my father next to me at the meeting tonight.
  5. My mother's reaction to this meeting - she seemed much happier when they left my house tonight.
  6. The warm welcome when we arrived tonight.
  7. Everyone's patience when I show up to these meetings with C. She is getting more and more chatty and soon will be ready for babysitting. In the meantime, I am SOOOOO grateful to be able to come with her in tow.
  8. Someone letting C chew on her cell phone.
  9. C's silly "scrunchy-nose heavy breathing" at the meeting tonight.
  10. My back seems to be healing (note to self - no more flipping the baby).
  11. Appliance shopping with Mom today. I had no idea what to look for in a washer and dryer so I am thankful she was here to help.
  12. Prayer and meditation.
  13. Chicken wings and ranch dressing from Red Devil.
  14. Coffee in the morning.
  15. Decaf coffee in the evening.
  16. Paint colors - I can't wait to paint my house!
  17. Hearing about old friends from work. Reminds me that I miss them and it's time to call and say hello.
  18. Learning that I can enjoy the gifts in my life regardless of what is happening around me. I was so conflicted about that just a short time ago.
  19. The end of the day - it's such a quiet, peaceful time for our family.
  20. Cheesecake.

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