Thursday, August 14, 2008

I feel conflicted right now. Something just happened but maybe (?!) nothing just happened at the same time. I just feel that in what is generally a normal situation, something was slightly off. There was a distinct difference from this morning to this afternoon. I realize my own fear of the perceived change is my own to deal with. And, that I don't have to let it ruin my day or consume my thoughts. That's what I am working on now. I am disturbed but I need to and want to get past it. So, in working to transcend - my 5 good things so far for today are:
  1. Good memories of growing up.
  2. Loving my family - my daughters and husband.
  3. Writing an essay about being powerless.
  4. Sometimes no reaction is a good reaction.
  5. The house is done!

My husband came home from work and I told him how I was feeling. It was nice to have him listen. It was also nice to hear about his day and the good things that happened. Here are 3 more good things:
  1. A good day at work for my husband.
  2. Listening to his stories and jokes.
  3. Laughing together.

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