Thursday, August 21, 2008

Today I had fun at lunch. :) I am inspired to dust of my camera and go shoot again so I txt'd a friend to see what he'd be up to if I wanted to go for an early morning or evening low light shoot. I think we're going to scope out downtown Phoenix in the early morning light next weekend!!! I am REALLY excited. I just need to make sure that Sean is off for Labor Day so I don't have to worry about the kiddos. My plan is to pre-scout some areas over the next week - something I don't usually do.

My good things today:
  1. Starting my 20+10 list early tonight.
  2. Listening to H read. She made a lot of progress this summer.
  3. C is almost crawling (this one is bittersweet).
  4. Impromptu lunch with a friend today - we laughed so hard!
  5. Inspiration.
  6. Husband's job.
  7. Our family.
  8. Hearing Nephew A's little voice on the phone
  9. Creativity.
  10. The ability to let go of petty stuff today.
  11. Free cookies!
  12. Noticing things to be grateful for as I go through my day - is this becoming a habit?! :)
  13. Stain removal.
  14. Hugs from Husband.
  15. The privilege to be a mother to my beautiful daughters.
  16. Our health.
  17. Thursday.
  18. Choices.
  19. Running water.
  20. Finishing my 20+10 list for tonight.

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