Sunday, September 7, 2008

1. Greatest Gift study on Friday night.
2. Our hostess's hospitality.
3. Sitting in the room as we read and shared.
4. Cori's new baby!!!
5. Holding C as she was falling asleep tonight.
6. The movers coming tomorrow so this move can finally be done.
7. Sleep.
8. Taking my kids to see their great grandmother.
9. Not being angry or hurt during our visit - just enjoying the visit with her.
10. Being able to talk to my dad.
11. Finishing the paint in C's new room.
12. My gratitude list.
13. Picking out paint with H for her new room this week.
14. Velcro.
15. Learning new things.
16. Reading.
17. Praying and meditation.
18. My hot pad soothing my back pain.
19. The opportunity to be better.
20. Renting movies at Blockbuster cause we don't get to the theater much anymore.

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