Tuesday, September 30, 2008

  1. Call with my mentor.
  2. Balance.
  3. Doing homework.
  4. Crossing things off my to do list.
  5. Keeping my to do list going.
  6. L'shanah tovah! (For a good new year)
  7. A new perspective on atonement and my relationship with a Higher Power.
  8. 20 sit-ups and 10 push-ups.
  9. My husband.
  10. Family dinners - it's fun to do this most nights of the week with my husband and kids. We only did this occasionally when I was growing up.
  11. Making up silly stories with H.
  12. Washing cloth diapers and knowing each time I use one that is one less diaper in a landfill.
  13. Star Wars costumes for Halloween.
  14. Watching H be a carefree kid.
  15. Watching C crawl all around the room and get into everything she possibly can.
  16. Calling to wish my sister-in-law happy birthday.
  17. Learning how to fingerloop braid today.
  18. Feeding C new foods even though she only seems to like Cheerios.
  19. Getting H to be early tonight after she's been sleeping in later and later.
  20. The baby took really good naps today.

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