Thursday, September 25, 2008

  1. Coffee and a banana w/crunchy peanut butter for breakfast.
  2. Sitting at school last night doing homework outside, listening to live music and watching the sunset.
  3. Chatting with Best Friend all the way home.
  4. C's silly face when she felt the morning breeze.
  5. Walking H part of the way to school.
  6. Meditation and prayer.
  7. Learning more new things.
  8. Looking at art.
  9. Not doing much today.
  10. It's almost Friday.
  11. Finding new blogs to read all day.
  12. Watching the season premieres of my favorite shows all week.
  13. Preview for "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" - Yay!
  14. New books.
  15. C napped through dinner so we got to eat baby free.
  16. C in a silly, good mood when she woke up cause she had such a good nap.
  17. Independence and self-reliance (in appropriate ways).
  18. C's Halloween costume.
  19. Iron on transfers.
  20. Fusible web.

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