Sunday, September 14, 2008

  1. The kitchen is clean.
  2. The laundry is hung and drying.
  3. The island is painted (the one in the kitchen, not the one in the ocean - haaa haaa ha ha...) (sorry - silly humor).
  4. Silly humor.
  5. Babies babbling together at the meeting.
  6. Listening/sharing.
  7. To do list for the week.
  8. A fun family dinner.
  9. Listening to Husband pray before we ate.
  10. The unknown.
  11. Being unafraid.
  12. C playing in the tub.
  13. H helping with the baby.
  14. Planning for Halloween.
  15. Finishing little things even though I'm tired.
  16. Following through as best I can.
  17. It's getting better all the time (can't get no worse...).
  18. H can walk to school from the new house.
  19. Eating healthier.

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