Monday, September 15, 2008

  1. Making C's baby food.
  2. Feeding C and watching her turn into a living spinach doll.
  3. Praying as a family before eating dinner.
  4. Grocery shopping.
  5. Cooking dinner for my family.
  6. Washing C in the kitchen sink.
  7. H doing her chores without fuss.
  8. H doing her homework without fuss.
  9. Starting a new week.
  10. A gift card and thank you note from our realtor. He was more than generous!
  11. Sending him a thank you note for his gift.
  12. Mending Wall by Robert Frost.
  13. The end of the day.
  14. Kissing my kids good night.
  15. A clean kitchen.
  16. Sleep.
  17. Coffee and 1/2 & 1/2.
  18. Change.
  19. Questioning.
  20. Clean, cold drinking water.

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