Wednesday, October 15, 2008

While we were on vacation I didn't do a formal gratitude list except for right before we were going to fly home. It was a great vacation - we both keep talking about how it went better than expected and we are really glad we sucked it up and took the kids out there.
Good things for Oct. 14, 2008
  1. A good family vacation.
  2. Being the only Democrat in a house full of Republicans and being OK with it.
  3. Knowing that now *I* can pray for them!
  4. Acceptance and tolerance.
  5. Watching H play with her new cousins and them hitting it off.
  6. Flying with a well behaved baby.
  7. C cutting her top teeth and being done before the trip home.
  8. C getting to meet the rest of her family.
  9. C's Baptism for my in-laws and knowing how much that means to them.
  10. Finding acceptance and tolerance in myself instead of thinking it needs to come from anyone else.
  11. Preparing a Korean meal for my husband's family and getting to share my culture with them.
  12. Time to really reconnect with my husband after such a busy summer.
  13. Time to enjoy our kids together.
  14. Beautiful upstate NY fall weather. The leaves are breathtaking!
  15. Visiting a cider mill.
  16. Brooks BBQ.
  17. Traveling home after a good vacation. I miss my bed and pillow!
  18. My Amy Butler craft bag.
  19. Finishing another hat while we were here.
  20. Catching a cold but still being able to enjoy myself and get some extra rest.

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