Tuesday, October 21, 2008

  1. I may have my bad moments but in general I like myself.
  2. Our health.
  3. My Mac laptop.
  4. Leftovers for lunch.
  5. Both Sean and H forgot to take their lunches so I don't have to make lunches tonight for tomorrow.
  6. Being able to access ASU's library and databases online so I can research from home. Today technology is my friend!
  7. Heidegger's essay "The Question Concerning Technology". Every time I read it I learn something new.
  8. My weekly call with C.
  9. H can ride her bike without training wheels!
  10. Taping her ride up and down the street with Sean. It was just us 3 cause the baby was still napping. The big one needs more focused parenting time like that.
  11. Who-hash for dinner. :)
  12. Another friend made it to Facebook - yay!
  13. Realizing I am no longer chained to a tree.
  14. My family.
  15. Good friends.
  16. My best friend.
  17. Being excited to try something new tomorrow.
  18. The farmer's market.
  19. Peach tea.
  20. Peppermint tea (or, 'pepper minty' as we call it around here).

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