Monday, October 27, 2008

  1. My library card.
  2. Sea breeze (paint color).
  3. Getting more painting done while C was napping.
  4. Independence.
  5. That my ex-father-in-law taught me how to paint a room.
  6. Finishing the blue in H's room.
  7. A cool evening last night.
  8. 1/2 off for a month at Hollywood Video.
  9. Seeing little miracles.
  10. A good phone call today.
  11. Every time I am a better mother for H.
  12. Forgiving myself when I make mistakes.
  13. Learning from mistakes.
  14. I'm not perfect.
  15. It's ok that I'm not perfect.
  16. Letting my HP into more of my life.
  17. Registering H for soccer.
  18. I get to vote and get Brad Paisley's new album all in the same day! I can't wait!
  19. I get to vote!
  20. That I learned more about the women's suffrage movement last year and I am even more grateful to cast my ballot.

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