Sunday, October 26, 2008

  1. Taking H to see High School Musical 3. She LOVED it. :)
  2. Riding bikes with H when C was napping.
  3. Attending a dinner party at Sean's boss's house.
  4. Renting movies.
  5. Parking far away and walking.
  6. Waking up to Sean and C giggling the morning.
  7. C smacking me in the head and blowing bubbles.
  8. When I'm not sure I can pray harder instead of worry more.
  9. Sean turned on the outside lights so the house wouldn't be dark when we got home.
  10. Sean grilled chicken for dinner so I wouldn't have to cook after the meeting
  11. Such good meetings tonight. I got a lot out of both of them.
  12. Doing the soda and water sales with W.
  13. The book: Reading Like a Writer (Francine Prose) - especially her chapter on paragraphs.
  14. My tummy feels better this morning.
  15. I always have something to learn from others.
  16. Hearing my HP in the words of others (I think... It was almost creepy but very cool).
  17. Reading.
  18. Carving pumpkins with H.
  19. Letting H be selfish sometimes - it's ok.
  20. HGTV and TLC.

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