Sunday, November 30, 2008

  1. The anniversary of our first date.
  2. Shelly mentioning C at the meeting.
  3. Knowing there is happiness and suffering, not just one or the other.
  4. Grace.
  5. Knowing I am powerless.
  6. Knowing a higher power.
  7. Coming home to Christmas lights on the house.
  8. Walking with Sean, H and C around the neighborhood and looking at our neighbor's lights.
  9. Our family.
  10. The festive feeling.
  11. Remembering to get the Sunday paper.
  12. Hope.
  13. No longer hanging by a thread.
  14. Wanting what I have.
  15. The end of a busy, but very good, weekend.
  16. Sleeping children.
  17. Sean getting up with C this morning so I could sleep in a bit.
  18. Reading personalized license plates and occasionally getting the joke.
  19. No more homework this semester.
  20. Seeing my extended family this weekend.

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