Wednesday, November 5, 2008

  1. My family.
  2. Our house.
  3. Sean.
  4. Sean's job.
  5. My daughters.
  6. Being the kind of mother I'd want them to be.
  7. Excitement and hope in our country today.
  8. The future. We don't know what will happen but I am looking forward to it.
  9. Lunch and catching up with one of my closest friends.
  10. Baby fat.
  11. Baby smiles.
  12. Baby laughs.
  13. Acting as I would feel. Many times, this is not easy.
  14. Listening to Brad's new album.
  15. A good meeting today.
  16. Volunteering to help set up next week.
  17. After a hectic week I have no plans to leave the house tomorrow.
  18. The kids are in bed.
  19. Life.
  20. A clean kitchen.

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