Sunday, December 14, 2008

  1. Cookies!
  2. Tuna casserole.
  3. H searching Web sites for shoes she likes. She's shopping around for the best price.
  4. Plastic baggies in various sizes.
  5. Permanent markers.
  6. Laughing all day with Sean about how I made a noise as we were falling asleep and it woke us both up. I am still laughing uncontrollably about this.
  7. How much Sean and I laugh together.
  8. Holding hands with H - her hands are the same size as mine now!!!!
  9. Putting more laundry away.
  10. Ornaments from my mom.
  11. Making Hannukah decorations.
  12. Mad Libs (the world's greatest game!)
  13. Our favorite Christmas movies like Die Hard and Gremlins.
  14. H's favorite Christmas movies like Muppet's Christmas and Polar Express.
  15. Turning off the TV.
  16. Hearing from others that they like receiving my list.
  17. Loving when I check my e-mail I receive gratitude lists from everyone else.
  18. Going to bed earlier, waking up earlier.
  19. The morning person paradox (hate waking up/getting out of bed, love when I am up early and get a head start on the day).
  20. My family and friends.

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