Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Gratitude

  1. A good talk yesterday morning among friends.
  2. Spirituality.
  3. Prayer and meditation.
  4. Watching C learn to walk.
  5. Maintaining boundaries without guilt (mostly).
  6. Sleeping in a little bit.
  7. C's first Christmas.
  8. C's first Hanukkah.
  9. H's excitement for both holidays.
  10. H had a good visit with her dad and now she's home.
  11. I made my first sweater! Made with love for C (and because she's the smallest person I know so it was easy to start there...)
  12. Opening Christmas presents all day.
  13. Dinner with my family.
  14. Gramma smoked in the bathroom (yuck) but I didn't flip out. I asked dad to remind her (kindly) that we appreciate her not smoking in the house, but also I did a little more to help make her comfortable while smoking outside.
  15. Our home.
  16. Our family.
  17. Looking forward to the new year.
  18. Finishing what I have started.
  19. Resolutions.
  20. Order.

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