Monday, December 8, 2008

  1. Rare indulgences.
  2. Soft tissues for my nose.
  3. Missing the meeting last night (not grateful that I didn't go, but that I really missed being there).
  4. Extra rest.
  5. Catching up with J before her trip.
  7. Putting gratitude out there.
  8. The library.
  9. Free audio book downloads from the library Web site.
  10. How C likes to spit 3/4 of every bite out all over me when I feed her. Maybe I should try this at dinner. It seems quite fun for the one on the giving end.
  11. Just listening to H when she tells me about her day and what's on her mind.
  12. Turning a disagreement between me and H about whether she needs to wear a warm jacket to school into a laughing session between us. But still insisting she leaves the house wearing a warm jacket in the morning.
  13. Sleeping children.
  14. Going to bed earlier.
  15. Gathering all my strength and will power, combined with a prayer to ask for some help, so that I can get up earlier in the mornings.
  16. Getting H to school on time.
  17. H is so good at getting herself ready in the mornings. I am the mess when it comes to getting started.
  18. Watching C play in the bath.
  19. The heater is fixed upstairs!
  20. Interesting research:

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