Sunday, December 28, 2008

Weekend Gratitude

  1. Listening to early 90s music in the car.
  2. Seeing "Tiff will you marry me?" on the highway overpass bridge!
  3. Playing the alphabet game in the car with H.
  4. Silly, silly C.
  5. Deeper understanding.
  6. Birthdays.
  7. Sleep.
  8. Cleaning up around the house today.
  9. Cleaning up/rearranging our bedroom so I can set up my workspace in there.
  10. Home organization.
  11. Order.
  12. All of us singing 'Happy Birthday' to Codi on speaker phone this morning. Even C joined in.
  13. Ladybug buttons for the sweater I made C.
  14. Resolutions for next year.
  15. Inspiration.
  16. Remembering to get the Sunday paper.
  17. Remembering today is Sunday and getting to the meeting.
  18. A hot bath.
  19. Cooking dinner before going out tonight so it was ready when we got home.
  20. A good book to read at the end of the day.

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