Monday, January 19, 2009

Gratitude: 1/19/2009

  1. Sending free faxes with Fax Zero.
  2. Not letting little financial hiccups ruin my day. It's 'Financial Monday' again!
  3. An extra day with both my girls since H has the day off.
  4. Managing life with lined Post-It notes in a variety of colors.
  5. A free program to combine PDFs on my Mac.
  6. Back to school tomorrow!
  7. I feel ready and prepared to handle the additional stress.
  8. Cheesy baby puke - my perfume for this morning.
  9. New babies!
  10. Cleaning up my workspace resulted in increased productivity for Financial Monday.
  11. It's ok to feel angry - even when I'm working on a happiness project.
  12. Logging in to the ASU online system and finding my professors have been busy uploading course information.
  13. C fell asleep tonight without any fuss - that is rare.
  14. Listening to H practice violin.
  15. Sean and H playing the violin together.
  16. Homemade Korean for dinner.
  17. Maintaining boundaries.
  18. A call from my sister this morning.
  19. Open questioning.
  20. Creativity.

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