- Doing things I did not want to do yesterday.
- Having enough sense to know that even though I wanted to just lay in bed, sucking it up and getting caught up on resolutions would ultimately make me happier.
- Not napping yesterday and today I have a cleaner kitchen and living room, the bed is made, I feel better and I am happier.
- Knowing that letting things go doesn't equate to me getting more/quality rest, in fact it's just the opposite.
- Working on my paper and e-mailing the intro to my professor.
- To-do lists.
- Having Sean home yesterday.
- Occasionally I understand myself better.
- Seeing my nephews yesterday.
- Chatting with my sister yesterday.
- Learning more about my friends from their Facebook notes.
- Sharing gratitude.
- Going to bed earlier.
- Catching the Fringe episode I missed online.
- Reading Videogames.
- I feel so much better today.
- I turned the TV off.
- C and I went for a walk.
- H's violin teacher is flexible and when we need to cancel a Saturday lesson she can usually fit us in another day.
- Watching C dump all our DVDs onto the floor... AGAIN. (And, again. And, again. And, again.)
happiness gratitude inspiration creativity
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