Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekend Gratitude: 2/1/2009

  1. Seeing how excited Sean is to be learning something new.
  2. Supporting him, encouraging him, and getting to share his excitement.
  3. Getting 100% on my first online quiz.
  4. I was tired and I cleaned the kitchen anyway.
  5. Funny twitter and Facebook conversations with friends that I don't get to see very often.
  6. Reading in @AmyPR's Facebook notes that she can't keep track of my last name... LMAO
  7. C walking all over and trying to run.
  8. Watching her teeter and toter as she's learning how to balance on two tiny feet.
  9. Zucchini soup for dinner.
  10. With grilled chicken.
  11. H had a new friend sleeping over.
  12. Sleep.
  13. Kimchee Mama took the time to write a guest post for me.
  14. And then was unafraid enough to let me post it.
  15. Phone call with Codi.
  16. Phone calls from Becca.
  17. Detachment with love.
  18. A Year of CrockPotting.
  19. 29 Day Giving Challenge.
  20. Laughing with Sean every day.
  21. A hot shower.
  22. Having fun at the Kimchee Kid's birthday on Saturday.
  23. Fun words like "Fisticuffs."
  24. Keeping "office hours" 2 days in a row and focusing on my paper.
  25. Taking a walk this morning with H and C.

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