Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Today's Inspiration and Gratitude

I made these for the downstairs bathroom. I used 2 frames I got cheap but ended up not liking much and the Amy Butler paper I got the other day. I'm pretty happy with them and can't wait to hang them! I might go potty extra just so I can look at the pretty paper - hee hee.
  1. A full night's sleep.
  2. Creativity.
  3. Waking up to C's smiles.
  4. H getting ready for school without too much extra prodding from me.
  5. H wanting to walk home on her own - Ms. Independent.
  6. My retirement report from the State.
  7. My morning cup (0r 3) of coffee.
  8. Last night's surprise Facebook message from a friend. :)
  9. Lip gloss.
  10. Today's call with my mentor.
  11. Digging around for all my PR books to work on this lesson plan. Trip down Memory Lane!
  12. Feeding C Cheerios. She likes them!
  13. "Art" for the downstairs bathroom.
  14. Finally ordering H's bedding.
  15. A clean kitchen.
  16. Doing a small, mid-week load of laundry to try and curb having so much to do on the weekends.
  17. Gratitude at 7 p.m. :)
  18. Watching Nanny 911 with H and discussing good behavior and bad behavior (in both children and parents).
  19. Watching C play in her jumper.
  20. My husband.

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