Thursday, September 18, 2008

  1. Making my own caffe misto - who needs Starbucks?! (*GASP*)
  2. C giggling.
  3. Husband being silly this morning - I got to start the day laughing.
  4. Finally naming the blog. It took me forever to come up with something!
  5. Being nice to telemarketers.
  6. Having a nice conversation with an appointment reminder.
  7. Strong, intelligent women to learn from.
  8. Another person's mistakes are a chance for me to learn and not make those same mistakes (there are plenty of different ones I will make, lol).
  9. Hannah.
  10. A call from Best Friend.
  11. Call with Prayer Partner.
  12. Today's One Day at a Time reading.
  13. The dryer is connected and working.
  14. Everybody Loves Raymond re-runs
  15. Husband seems to be doing well and happy at work lately. I really am happy that he's happy.
  16. Making peaches for C.
  17. Her reaction when I fed them to her for the first time (I don't think she likes peaches).
  18. Sitting on the couch with H.
  19. Tomorrow's Friday.
  20. A fun lunch with Sister.

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