Wednesday, September 17, 2008

  1. Using reusable shopping bags today.
  2. Farmer's market savings.
  3. Getting to the library to do homework.
  4. It's Wednesday!
  5. Wednesday's meeting.
  6. Writing about a Higher Power.
  7. Reading about sanity and happiness.
  8. Choice.
  9. Always learning.
  10. Staying in touch with good friends.
  11. Staying home with my kids while they are young.
  12. Payday!
  13. Hearing what I needed to hear.
  14. Laughing with others.
  15. A compliment.
  16. The gift of today.
  17. Taking Martha Stewart's recipe, making it a bit easier, and having it come out great!
  18. Imperfection.
  19. Sleeping kids when I got home.
  20. Watching the husband play the Force Unleashed on his X-box, the cut scenes are so good I feel like I'm watching another Star Wars movie!

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