Monday, November 17, 2008

  1. Getting through our laundry 'situation' (the situation was we were way behind).
  2. Being silly with Sean.
  3. The meeting at the park last night.
  4. C & H having fun at the park.
  5. Watching C watch the people.
  6. C laughing.
  7. Laughing with H.
  8. The Traditions.
  9. A little bit of sleep when I can get it.
  10. Choosing to stay home.
  11. Sean
  12. Becca.
  13. My nephews.
  14. My parents.
  15. My extended family.
  16. A fun family weekend.
  17. My to-do list.
  18. Naps.
  19. Public programs.
  20. Service.

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