Monday, November 17, 2008

  1. Getting to the library again for homework.
  2. Honesty.
  3. Being Juli.
  4. Spinach and feta quesadillas for dinner.
  5. Meditation.
  6. Napping.
  7. Service.
  8. Cool air on my face.
  9. Smelling flowers in the air.
  10. Creativity.
  11. The Publicity Handbook.
  12. Libraries.
  13. A paradox.
  14. Getting to bed earlier.
  15. Waking up earlier.
  16. Not wanting to get up and doing it anyway.
  17. Getting H to school on time.
  18. Texts from Becca.
  19. Resentment prayer.
  20. Acceptance.

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