Saturday, December 20, 2008

  1. The baby woke up SOOOO early. But then, she went down for an early nap and I crawled back in bed for a bit. If that's how I have to sleep in, I'll take it!
  2. H's dad and his family coming to her last soccer game.
  3. How excited H is to see her dad.
  4. H had her cousin over the play yesterday and they had a lot of fun.
  5. H's grandmother drove all the way back out here to pick up her cousin so I didn't have to drive (but I was willing to)!
  6. Happy Hanukkah!!
  7. Making Monkey Munch with holiday colored M&Ms.
  8. Neat little bags of Monkey Munch to give as gifts.
  9. Listening to C play - she's 'talking' to her toys. Squealing and giggling. It's adorable.
  10. Making pancakes for breakfast.
  11. Gmail labs. I love all swell features.
  12. Facebook.
  13. My family together at our house to light candles for Hanukkah.
  14. Meeting H's dad half way so he didn't have to drive all the way out here to pick her up.
  15. Making Sean's lunch this morning.
  16. My mom and dad staying with us. I am really happy to spend the extra time with my mom.
  17. How much my mom loves playing with the baby.
  18. Nephew A sleeping over.
  19. Listening to Sean and Nephew A have conversations about toys, Star Wars, Transformers... It's so funny.
  20. A peaceful house.

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