Thursday, December 18, 2008

  1. NPR Science Friday.
  2. Added twitter gadget to gmail. I feel so technically savvy this week.
  3. Clean drinking water.
  4. When H uses manners without thinking about it.
  5. Laughing with C. I love her little dimples!
  6. Another week of getting up early! The mornings are so much calmer.
  7. Getting to bed earlier most nights.
  8. More Xmas presents made.
  9. Going to H's school for festive activities today.
  10. Being a SAHM so that I can do those things.
  11. Sean working from home so I didn't have to take the baby.
  12. Staying for lunch with H and then going to her class party.
  13. Occasionally driving in rush-hour traffic and remembering how nice it is that I don't have to do that every weekday.
  14. Writing more.
  15. Unpacking the mess of my past so I can neatly put it away.
  16. Order.
  17. Balance.
  18. Creativity.
  19. I am sore from the Jingle Jog today!
  20. Doing the Macerana, Chicken Dance, YMCA and Electric Slide with H at her school today.

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