Tuesday, December 9, 2008

  1. A full night's sleep. Even Sean noticed how much more pleasant I was this morning.
  2. Asking Sean, "Did you poo?" while we were talking. I didn't even realize what I said till I noticed he was looking at me funny. I meant to ask if it was the baby, but it obviously didn't come out that way (I must still need a few more hours of sleep to recharge to full mental capacity).
  3. Health insurance so I can take C to her 9 month check-up.
  4. My prayer partner.
  5. How when I blow my nose C looks at me and blows raspberries. I guess it sounds the same?
  6. Our call today.
  7. Being silly.
  8. HP (not the computer company, btw).
  9. Spinach, chicken and feta quesadilla.
  10. Helping H with homework.
  11. Watching C play with her spoon.
  12. The funny stories H writes for spelling homework.
  13. Picking up the new Batman from the video store to surprise Sean when he gets home from work tonight.
  14. Laughing with the girl at the video store when she told me she was sure I was there to get Batman this morning. I forgot about the Batman license plate on the front of my car. Nerd alert!
  15. Praying for B.
  16. B taking positive action.
  17. Patience.
  18. Grace.
  19. Being of service to a friend's applied project in our grad program. She's working so hard and it's an honor to participate.
  20. Listening to H practice violin.

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