Wednesday, December 10, 2008

  1. Hot coffee in the morning.
  2. Waking up earlier.
  3. Meditation.
  4. Making Hannukah and Christmas presents.
  5. Superman theme music.
  6. Looking at Will Smith. He's just hot.
  7. Bonnie letting me bring H and C to the interview.
  8. H was listening during the interview and she thought it was very cool that Bonnie asked questions about what I'd like my daughters to know about my experiences as a nontraditional student.
  9. H telling me she's proud of me after the interview. She was beaming... It was so cool.
  10. Listening to H point out the positives of a sad situation when talking to her dad.
  11. Working to have a good co-parenting relationship with H's dad.
  12. Being able to laugh with him when we talk.
  13. Sean and H loading the dishwasher together after dinner.
  14. Making ornaments for the tree.
  15. Getting to shop for the holidays.
  16. Sean's job.
  17. Sean working so hard at his job and taking care of us.
  18. The program.
  19. A good conversation with a mentor today.
  20. Our family.

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