Thursday, December 18, 2008

  1. Perfectly wrapped presents. I love making neat and pretty packages.
  2. Figuring out nifty html things - pretty simple stuff but not something I'm very good at!
  3. Getting up early.
  4. Wanting to take better care of myself.
  5. Wearing my hair down.
  6. Putting on makeup.
  7. Getting on twitter and finding some friends are already there.
  8. Peach yogurt and Chex cereal for a sweet and crunchy snack.
  9. Sean putting C to bed.
  10. Cleaning the kitchen even though I really (times infinity) don't want to.
  11. Ditto for folding and putting away laundry.
  12. Figuring out twitter today.
  13. Using google to find out what I want to know.
  14. Self-reliance (where reasonable, and knowing that my HP is guiding me along the way).
  15. Trying to connect with a friend today - even though it didn't work out it was still nice to hear her voice.
  16. Creativity.
  17. New scarves for my sister and mom.
  18. A new hat for C.
  19. A new stocking for H.
  20. Balance.

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