Wednesday, December 17, 2008

  1. Pretty homemade pinwheels for C's mobile.
  2. Cold weather. Good for cuddling.
  3. Found my keys.
  4. Rain in the desert.
  5. Smiling babies.
  6. Strunk and White is online! (I know this is supremely nerdy but it's one of my favorite writing references).
  7. Picking up H from school so she doesn't have to walk home in the rain.
  8. Warm soup for dinner on a cold day.
  9. Taking care of my family.
  10. Enjoying myself doing things I never thought I'd be doing again.
  11. Knowing the things I thought I wanted are not what truly makes me happy.
  12. Doing what truly makes me happy (more often than before).
  13. Identifying the problem.
  14. Call with my mentor.
  15. Going to bed early even though I wanted to stay up and watch Fringe with Sean.
  16. C slept in a tiny bit. It was nice.
  17. Morning coffee. That first cup is bliss.
  18. Making H go to bed earlier too. She doesn't want to but that little bit of extra sleep changes her mood a lot.
  19. Gmail.
  20. My daughters.

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