Wednesday, December 17, 2008

  1. Wonderful group meeting today.
  2. Sharing with a great group of women.
  3. Facebook 'conversations' with a friend.
  4. My nephews.
  5. Becca taking positive actions.
  6. Praying with a friend.
  7. Getting some time with my nephews today.
  8. Impromptu lunch with Sean and his co-workers.
  9. Talking about school with Mike who is excited to be taking music classes.
  10. Sharing his excitement.
  11. H & C.
  12. Sean.
  13. Gratitude.
  14. Grace.
  15. Re-framing my mornings.
  16. I went to Joann's and left with only what was on my list. This was not easy. :)
  17. I remembered my 40% off coupon.
  18. Nephew N was over so H and he went to the park together.
  19. 5 kids + 1 adult = too many kids! a tired (and a little loopy) adult! a loud house! It was a lot of fun. :)
  20. Instead of being frustrated about not being able to make it to Infant Story Time at the library (weekly scheduling conflict) I figured out that we can just go to Toddler Story Time.

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