Friday, January 16, 2009

Gratitude: 1/16/2009

  1. When C wears her pink and white striped PJs she looks like a candy prisoner.
  2. Leftovers for breakfast.
  3. Sharing my experience three times this week for three separate reasons.
  4. How sharing honestly and positively affects me positively. It's positively neat!
  5. Participating in The Next Chapter.
  6. Being a part of an academic program focused on advocacy.
  7. Working with Sean on a document this morning. Good things happen when we get creative together.
  8. Facebook fun.
  9. Grad school. Student loans. Deferments. Homework. Stress. Time management. Triumph. Long papers. Short papers. Heavy reading. Light reading. My peers. My professors... (Just getting motivated to go back on Monday)
  10. Routines.
  11. My to-do list.
  12. Taking H to McDonald's for dinner.
  13. Coming across some cool "new" research that I found really helpful.
  14. Talking to my mom on the phone.
  15. Finding old Army friends on Facebook (I feel like I should be attending a function at the VFW as I type that).
  16. Motrin.
  17. Stretching.
  18. My happiness project - Day 16!
  19. I thought school started on Monday but the first day of classes is actually Tuesday.
  20. Writing more and more, everyday!

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