I realized that in my
original post about routines I didn't really include what my routine consists of so here goes.
Ideally, this is what my day looks like:
- Wake up
- Get H off to school
- Breakfast, observe the morning clean-up
- Rest of the morning varies depending on need: run errands, check emails, make calls, pay bills, vegg out, go to appointments, etc.
- Lunch and nap time for C
- C naps, I have "office hours" for crafting, emails, writing, homework, making calls
- C gets up, H gets home from school
- Snack time/Homework time
- Cook dinner
- Dinner
- Observe the evening clean-up & family time
- H gets free time, C gets ready for bed
- C goes to bed, I take my evening time for emails, writing, to-do list review
- H goes to bed
- Sean and I vegg and hang out
- Bedtime
Most days look *something* like this but it's not perfect. I'm glad I typed it out though. The two areas I am really working hard on are observing the morning and evening clean-up consistently. It only makes my life easier when I do. I noticed as those small tasks pile up, the free space in my mind gets limited too. It's bizarre. I suspect the amount of dishes on the sink is inversely proportional to the amount of creativity I can access (both literally and figuratively). Interestingly enough though, when the kitchen is clean - creativity seems endless.
And with that, I'm off to do the dishes....
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