Sunday, January 18, 2009

Gratitude: 1/18/2009 (The husband edition)

It's our anniversary so today's list is dedicated to my husband:
  1. His sense of humor.
  2. His intelligence.
  3. He listens.
  4. He's patient.
  5. He challenges me.
  6. He laughs at my jokes (whether he is laughing "with" or "at" is debatable but trivial).
  7. He takes care of our family.
  8. He provides us with more than enough.
  9. We've been able to grow together.
  10. We've been laughing since our first date.
  11. He's a wonderful father to our kids.
  12. I love watching him with C.
  13. I love watching him with H.
  14. We're geeks together.
  15. I learn from him.
  16. We teach each other.
  17. He's creative.
  18. We try new things together.
  19. He's a cutie.
  20. We're partners.

1 comment:

Wandering Ju said...

This list inspires me to review what I appreciate about my husband. There are many, but I haven't thought about them much lately. I really should! Thank you.