Thursday, January 8, 2009

Gratitude: 1/9/2009

  1. The spoof of Take Another Little Piece of my Heart on 30 Rock last night: Take another little chunk of my lung now mister...
  2. Listening to Tim & Willy again this morning on the radio. I missed them!
  3. Hearing C laugh all day.
  4. Painting nails with H.
  5. Coloring with H.
  6. Learning from an unexpected uncomfortable situation.
  7. Owning my part, being able to address my actions.
  8. Telling a friend how much she means to me.
  9. Lunch at Joe's Real BBQ. OMG sooo good... *drool*
  10. Patience.
  11. Not taking actions until I am sure I can act with love.
  12. Seeing guidance.
  13. Being Juli.
  14. Happiness discussions with Sean.
  15. A week of keeping resolutions!
  16. Being open.
  17. The reminder in my e-mail to treasure my friends. I needed that reminder today more than usual.
  18. Sensing a resurgence in the Baby Butt Wars... Picked up some activity underground during water exercise and was able to take preemtive action to keep the rebels at bay.
  19. Silliness.
  20. The end of a good week.


Nothing Hummingbird said...

Just wanted to say that I came across your blog and really liked the idea behind this, we so often forget to focus on the good in favour of the bad so this was lovely to look through.

Jules said...

Thank you! I appreciate your comment and I hope you'll stop back by.