Be thankful for what you have and you will end up having more. But if you concentrate on what you don't have, you'll never, ever, have enough.
--Oprah Winfrey
Just realized this URL was your own blog - very cute! What a great idea to focus on the good things and write them down. I think Dan and I need to do that more, too.
I am starting my own happiness project! I found your blog through browsing on the happiness project blog, and even though I'm a little late (didn't find it soon enough to start on the 1st!) I am excited to start! I hope that yours goes wonderfully, and I am sure I'll be stopping back by! Peace and Grace, Shay
Can I borrow your list and just modify #1? :-)
Just realized this URL was your own blog - very cute! What a great idea to focus on the good things and write them down. I think Dan and I need to do that more, too.
I am starting my own happiness project! I found your blog through browsing on the happiness project blog, and even though I'm a little late (didn't find it soon enough to start on the 1st!) I am excited to start! I hope that yours goes wonderfully, and I am sure I'll be stopping back by!
Peace and Grace,
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