Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happiness Day 1 - Commandments

  1. Be Juli
  2. Be grateful.
  3. Be of service.
  4. Do it now and finish it.
  5. Identify the problem.
  6. There is only love.
  7. Enjoy the process.
  8. Act as I would feel.
  9. Be light and let go.
  10. Be unafraid.
  11. Be orderly.
  12. Be flexible.


Annie said...

Can I borrow your list and just modify #1? :-)

Just realized this URL was your own blog - very cute! What a great idea to focus on the good things and write them down. I think Dan and I need to do that more, too.

Anonymous said...

I am starting my own happiness project! I found your blog through browsing on the happiness project blog, and even though I'm a little late (didn't find it soon enough to start on the 1st!) I am excited to start! I hope that yours goes wonderfully, and I am sure I'll be stopping back by!
Peace and Grace,